Knorr Marketing Philosophy
Constant analysis is the key to developing a winning strategy that will grow a client’s business and increase their profitability. It is true, “What gets measured, improves!” Each marketing communication plan that Knorr develops includes a comprehensive analysis tool that weekly measures response rates. Adjustments are made and monitored to increase the return on each client’s advertising investment.
Servant leadership is the third leg of Knorr Marketing’s Philosophy. The phrase “servant leadership” coined by Robert K. Greenleaf suggests that, “The servant-leader is servant first…Not leader first!
The servant-first seeks to make sure that client’s highest priority needs are being served. The goal of a Servant leader organization is to see both employees and clients grow in every facet of their being including them becoming servant leaders as well.
While traditional leadership generally involves the exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid,” servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first, and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.